Soo...Camner nak join??? Just follow my checklist below..
- Add Isabelle...frankly in your blogroll@bloglist and become her follower.-Checked
- Write a short entry in your blog about this contest (it could be in Bahasa Melayu or English - up to you) and put up the Daddy's Dearest banner (above).- Checked
- Upload a creative/dramatic photo of the father with son/daughter and explain why do you think your picture is unique.- Checked
- Include a link back to this blog and this contest in the entry.- Checked...This blog - http://thesnowwybear.blogspot.com/ This contest - http://thesnowwybear.blogspot.com/2009/06/daddys-dearest-contest.html
- Tell her about the entry by leaving a comment here with the link to the entry.
hikhik...excited nak posting nyer pasal, tak sedar dah kul 2 dah...last...kak, zai ingt nak join "Daddy's Dearest Contest" tu.. tapi tk faham maksud part ni..
4. Include a link back to this blog and this contest in the entry.
This blog - http://thesnowwybear.blogspot.com/
This contest - http://thesnowwybear.blogspot.com/2009/06/daddys-dearestcontest.html
5. Tell me about your entry by leaving a comment here with the link to the entry.
maksud nye after kiter post entri "Daddy Dearest Contest" ni kat blo kite, so kene tinggal kan komen kat kedua-dua link kat atas tu ek..;P
ooo..maksudnya camni..zai wat entry yg bila kita org click kat situ..terus akan di direct ke blog yg dikatakan....cth nya mcm entry akak....akak kataa...."Last week masa duk jenguk2 blog kengkawan..terjumpalaa blog isabelle"...perkataan isabelle tu bila zai bawak cursor ke situ..dia akan ada bentuk tgn..zai clik nanti terus ke blog isabelle yg - http://thesnowwybear.blogspot.com/....so setel dah satu menda....ini laa maksud link..camner nak buat..????mcm akak..akak click(hitamkan) semua perkataan isabele.then tekan simbol warna hijau yg sebelah text color..then zai paste laaa link isabele tu kat satu kotak yg akak pop out...so bila zai publish..bila org letak cursor kat perkataan tu..akan direct ke blog yg zai taip dlm kotak td...yg lagi satu tu - http://thesnowwybear.blogspot.com/2009/06/daddys-dearestcontest.html...zai buat menda yg sama..kat perkataan yg zai nak..mcm akak..akak letak at perkataan daddy's dearest contest n kat banner tu...
huhu...paham ke tak ni..mcm belit2 jer akak taip ni..huhu
haha comellnyeeee...wafiy dah pandai kiss kiss skang..
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