Muhammad Amirul Wafiy
DOB: 18 June 2008 (1156pm)

car seat wafiy ni brand My Dear..beli kat BabyJaya..mama pujuk papa beli ini sebab yg sweet cherry tu material dia panas..wafiy tak suka duduk..so we choose this type of car seat..convertible type..can be use fwd facing or rear facing..details as follows:
-This Car Seat come with cushioned head rest, 1 press release buckle, 3 level shoulder strap and 5 adjustable sitting position.
Features :-
- Single hand operational
- 5 positions adjustable

- my dear fren am said.."baik ko beli liza..menda ni penting.........++ dgn hujah2 yg bernas dari dia"
seriously am...thanks to you..ko yg influence aku beli car seat ni..and mama qays(nisa) plak kata "tak semestinya sebab hubby kita belayar n kita kena drive sesorg adalah sebab utama kita beli car seat tapi sebab car seat mmg perlu..ada hubby ke ..tak ada ker..itu hal lain"
- the other fren yg masih single kata.."aku baru tahu pasal car seat ni..itupun sebab ko ckp..bagus gak ko beli..aku tgk kat tv baby omputih wajib duk dlm car seat"
- one family member said.."penting ke..sian kat baby kecik2 lagi kena duduk sesorg dlm car seat..tak elok laa tuk tulang belakang dia"
- another family member said.." baik bentang tilam jer kat belakang...lagi selesa baby duduk..dia boleh golek2..lagi baby suka"
- dan suara2 lain.."buat membazir jer beli..last2 ank tak nak duduk pun.."
ramai org riba anak atas riba..mmg laa diorg kata takder apa2 jadi..tapi kes2 yg terjadi tu..yg anak tercampak keluar keta masa accident..(Ya Allah mintak jauhlaaa...)..adakah ini disebabkan kurangnya keprihatinan kita pada keselamatan anak..kita bukan main lagi pakai seat belt..masuk keta terus snap seatbelt(sebab safety ke..sebab takut polis saman..it depends)..tapi anak duk berdiri ats kerusi depan/belakang..kenapa ramai ibu2 tak beli anaknya car seat(this is base on what i know/see from people around me)
1) Car seat mahal...
ini amatlaa betul..kalau nak brand recaro..maxi-cosi..semua ni cecah ribu2..mmgla produk2 ni lebih baik sebb mematuhi standard tapi disebabkan harga menjadi halangan..baik tak payah beli..ramai yg fikir camni termasuklaa aku sendiri..dulu masa mula2 nak beli..hajat dihati nak sambar maxi-cosi..dah siap menabung..tapi tgk2 banyak lagi menda lain yg perlu beli..hampir2 aku buat keputusan tuk tak beli langsung sebab berpendapat(pada masa tu laa)..rugilaa plak kalau beli yg murah n cap ayam jer ni..nanti tak elok pun..but alhamdulillah aku sedar kepentingan car seat..aku beli brand sweet cherry..murah takper..yg penting berfungsi..betul tak??my handsome wafiy is safely settle in it masa balik shah alam dari kelantan after pantang..

2) Kereta kecik..
ini bergantung kepada ekonomi keluarga..aku tak berani nak komen lebih2 sebab aku paham kalau setakat guna kancil and ank plak ada 3 yg kecik2 lagi..mestilaa saiz jadi halangan tuk pasang 3 car seat dlm tu..hopefully parents can decide who got the priority to use the car seat...and others who is older can manage withe the seat belt..
3) anak tak nak duduk dlm tu
wafiy pun meragam gak bila duk dlm car seat...mcm yg farah ada citer dlm blog dia dulu..bagi dia neneng dulu..selesa..insyaallah dia ok jer duk dlm car seat..silap2 kejap jer dah lelap.kalau meragam gak tu..normal laa..dia mesti lagi suka merayap2 dlm keta..buat tak dengar jer..lama2 anak akan paham tempat dia bila duk dlm keta..alhamdulillah wafiy skrg redha jer duk dlm car seat sebab mama umpan kata nak pegi jalan...hehe
sorry kalau apa yg aku luahkan disini menyinggung mana2 pihak..tujuan aku adalah untuk berkongsi what is the best for our child..disamping untuk meluahkan perasaan berkenaan car seat..this entry is also a way for me to join this contest "MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby in CAR SEAT Contest"..just follow these steps
- Get a photo of your baby in CAR SEAT (if you don’t have one, perhaps it’s the best time to get, borrow or try one)
- Write a blog post about this contest with title MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby in CAR SEAT Contest
- Include your baby’s photo in the post and mention his/her name and date of birth.
- Write about the car seat in the picture and your thoughts/opinion about the use of car seat for babies/children.
- Include a link to this contest page, PhotoBook Malaysia and AliceWonders in your entry.
- Leave a comment here with link to your blog post
maybe u will be the lucky winner to grab the wonderful prizes from AliceWonders and PhotoBookMalaysia..hurry..it end tomorrow..15th july 2009...goodluck!!!
salam singgah..
and.. good luch juga dlm contest! :)
good luck...aku tgh plan2 jgk nk beli car seat baru utk syira...tp lufti xbg bli yg mahal dah huhu... tp aku bekenan yg mahal hehe...macam mana ni???keh keh keh
outout of topic.. akak tadak car seat nak lego ker?? ahakss....
queenin murni:thank you:)
am: ko berkenan yg mana am??yg penting syira nak duduk jer dlm car seat
zai: setakat ni takder laaa zai
tahniah menang cutest baby in car seat.. :)
tapi, memang nice entry laa... harus ku tunjuk pada kawan2 yang taknak beli carseat tu... :P
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